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July 08, 2024

The Fed has told us they are watching the job market “carefully” for “cracks” as a condition to start the easing cycle.
So, were there cracks in Friday's jobs report?
We'll take a look, but first let's revisit the challenges that the Fed has had with allowing this type of report to dictate policy. 
As we discussed over the past three years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has a history of making large revisions in the jobs data under the Biden administration.
Back in 2021, when the Fed was ignoring inflation, dismissing it as "transitory," the BLS was, all along, under-reporting jobs — to the tune of almost 2 million jobs from when Biden took office, until the Fed started (finally) raising rates.  The initial reports on jobs during the period gave the impression that the job market was weaker than it was in reality, and the Fed accommodated weakness by maintaining its stimulative position.
And as we know, the Fed got caught behind the curve on inflation.  
Then the Fed began the tightening cycle back in March of 2022, and the BLS has since over-reported jobs by 749,000 — giving the initial impression to consumers, businesses, investors and economists that the job market is hotter than it actually is. 
This, in part, has resulted in a Fed that has held the real interest rate (the Fed Funds rate minus the inflation rate) at historically tight levels for the past twelve months.   This stance has arguably put undue downward pressure on the economy, and employment.  And we may find that the Fed has followed its mistake of being too easy for too long, by being too tight for too long. 
So, given this context, what did we get in this past Friday's report? 
The BLS revised down the job creation of the past two months, by over 100,000 jobs.
The unemployment rate ticked UP to 4.1%.  That's an historically low rate of unemployment, but it's the highest since November of 2021.  And 4.1% is higher than the unemployment rate for the two years prior to the pandemic (2018-2020).
On the surface, a 4.1% unemployment rate and 206,000 jobs added in June doesn't seem like too much to be concerned about. 
But the pattern of revisions in payrolls and the rate-of-change in the unemployment rate should be a "ringing bell" for the Fed.
The unemployment rate is 7/10ths of a point above the cycle low (3.4%) of just 14 months ago.  The speed of this change in joblessness puts it in the unique company of the past four recessions (and consistent with related Fed rate cuts).
We'll find out tomorrow morning, if Jerome Powell considers that a "crack."  He'll give his semi-annual testimony to Congress at 10am. 






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July 02, 2024

We get the June jobs report Friday morning.  

The Fed has told us they are watching the job market “carefully” for “cracks” as a condition to start the easing cycle.  Jerome Powell reiterated that today, saying if the job market “unexpectedly weakens,” it would cause the Fed to “react.”

Add to that, the Chicago Fed President, Austan Goolsbee said today that the goal is to “get inflation down without stressing the labor market.” 

Keep in mind the May unemployment rate was last at a 28-month high, and the under-employment rate is at 30-month highs. 

With that in mind, remember, we’ve talked about the playbook executed by the European Central Bank and the Bank of Canada last month, where they positioned the start of the easing cycle as just “removing restriction” — as to not fuel market euphoria about the easing cycle.

That’s an easy playbook for the Fed to follow, if the job numbers come in soft, reducing restriction just to maintain the level of restriction as inflation falls.

On a related note, the top central banker from the Fed, ECB and the Bank of Brazil today sat on a stage in Portugal and fielded questions.

Most notably, the Brazilian central banker warned that the “higher for longer” rate regime in the Western world (mainly the Fed) combined with record high debt will “start to stretch (global) liquidity.”

He noted that emerging market countries feel the pain first, when liquidity becomes “stretched.”  And he noted that in recent weeks, there are signs of that happening.

Perhaps not coincidentally, yesterday the Fed’s measure of liquidity (SOFR) hit the most “stretched” level since early January. 


And perhaps no coincidence, the Bank of Japan, which was the (very important) global liquidity provider throughout the Western world’s interest rate tightening cycle, is due this month to announce its plan to begin the end of its QE program (begin to taper bond purchases/ removing liquidity from global markets).

As I said in my March note, when the BOJ made its first step toward exiting its role as the global liquidity provider, “global central banks (led by the Fed) may now have less leeway to hold rates too high, for too long.”  

As the head of the Brazilian central bank alluded to today, doing so risks global liquidity swinging the direction of too tight (i.e. a liquidity shock).






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July 01, 2024

Last week we talked about the potential for pain in sovereign bond markets if the government policy pendulum swings, from the globally coordinated climate agenda, to a more nationalist agenda (under leadership change) — given that trillions of dollars of deficit-funded investment in the climate agenda could be abandoned.
After Thursday night's U.S. Presidential debate, the bond market did indeed react.
The U.S. ten-year yield is 20 basis points higher than it was pre-debate.  
In France, the elections have gone as anticipated, in favor of the nationalist party (Le Pen).  Yields across Europe were up.
As for the U.S., the narrative behind rising yields is that both candidates are fiscally profligate — both will lead to higher deficits.  And if anything, they say Trump policies will be more inflationary.
But as we've discussed, the result of a policy swing, from the globalist agenda to a more nationalist agenda (in both the U.S. and France) would simply mean that the massive deficits and record indebtedness pursued to fund a radical transformation agenda (in both countries) would be abandoned.  For the funding that can't be clawed back or redirected, it would be returnless investment.  
And that, my guess, would be penalized through higher bond yields — until the market gains confidence in a turnaround plan.  





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June 27, 2024

Yesterday we talked about the potential for pain in sovereign bond markets if the government policy pendulum swings, from the globally coordinated climate agenda, to a more nationalist agenda (under leadership change) — given that trillions of dollars of deficit-funded investment in the climate agenda could be abandoned.  
In France, with the threat to Macron's power, French bond yields are widening against the anchor bond yield in the eurozone, the 10-year German yield (chart below). 
And it just so happens that the European Commission has chosen now as the right time to "rebuke" France for its fiscal profligacy.
The result:  Higher French bond yields. 
It conjures up memories of the past 15-years, when bond yields in both Italy and Spain (in 2011-2012) skyrocketed above 7% (unsustainable levels), which put two of the biggest countries in the eurozone on default watch. 
This memory-jostling looks to be by design of the European bureaucrats, as a shot across the bow to French voters.
But don't worry, any spike in French bond yields would be countered by the European Central Bank.  
Remember, two years ago, just weeks after announcing an end to QE, the ECB had to effectively restart it.  They had to step in and curtail rising yields in the fiscally vulnerable constituents of the euro zone, by promising to be the backstop (they are the unapologetic buyer of last resort, to preserve stability … and solvency).
And we should expect the Fed to behave in a similar way, if U.S. yields were to spike (on prospects of U.S. regime change).  They would be back in the QE game (managing bond yields), as they did in response to the bank shock in March of last year.  
With all of the above said, if these central banks were to withhold their intervention power in these scenarios, they could have significant influence on a political outcome. 





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June 26, 2024

Let's talk about the political events ahead of us. 
The U.S. Presidential debate is tomorrow.  And a referendum on Macron in France comes over the weekend.
While the grip on power is tight, it looks possible that the global policy pendulum could swing.
As we know, Western world governments have highly coordinated the execution of a shared (globalist) gameplan, designed around the climate agenda.
Not only has this agenda necessitated the appropriation and printing of trillions and trillions of dollars to fund the transformation of global energy, but the dollars that are being printed are being devalued by the same policies.  And with that, so are the Western economies.
The agreement to trade global oil in U.S. dollars (i.e. "petrodollars") has been the cornerstone of the dollar's role as the "world's reserve currency," since the end of the gold standard.  And the world reserve currency status has been key in building and sustaining the United State's position as the economic superpower.
So, anti-oil policies are self-inflicted threats to the wealth and sovereignty of the people executing them. 
That is giving way to a populist push back, that's beginning to look like Grexit, Brexit and the Trump election. 
The push back against the global agenda has come in Argentina, El Salvador and (somewhat) in Italy.  And the betting markets suggest it's coming in France and the United States. 
The question:  Will there be a government bond market shock, in response to the trillions of dollars in fiscal bullets fired for a global climate agenda that could be fractured, if not abandoned?





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June 25, 2024

A retracement in Nvidia shares to the post-stock split opening of around $120 was a welcome dip for those looking to own the most important company in the world/ leading the technology revolution.
When Nvidia announced this split last month, we made the comparison to the 7-for-1 split of Apple stock back in 2014.  That stock too made a big runup between the day of the stock split announcement and the day of the split.  In the case of Apple, after the split, it took almost a month to make a new high.
Within this Apple analogue, we also talked about the post-split prospects of Nvidia's inclusion into the Dow (DJIA), which would be made possible by the lower share price (for a price-weighted index).
It happened in Apple nine months after the 2014 stock split.  That said, the Nasdaq outperformed the Dow over that period 2.3 to 1.
Now, on Friday we get the May PCE report.
PCE is personal consumption expenditures.  This is the inflation measure the Fed cares most about.  It's the basis of their 2% inflation target.
We've had clues in the recent CPI and PPI data.  Both came in with zero change in monthly prices.  And that is the consensus view on PCE (no inflation in May).  That would bring the year-over-year number down to 2.55% — a continuation of what the Fed perceives to be "a stall."





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June 24, 2024

In my last note, we talked about this technical reversal signal in Nvidia. 
As you can see, this "outside day" has indeed predicted a reversal in the stock.  It's now down 10% from Thursday's close. 
And as we also discussed in my Thursday note, due to the disproportionately heavy weighting of Nvidia in the S&P 500 and Nasdaq, those key indices also put in reversal signals. 
With that, we discussed the prospect that these signals could trigger a (needed) rotation, and broadening of market performance.
With the behavior of stocks over the past three days, that seems to be developing.  To open the week the Nasdaq and S&P 500 were down, the Dow, Russell (small caps) and equal weighted S&P 500 were UP.
Unsurprisingly, with a rotation from expensive to cheap, the best performing sector of the day was energy
The energy sector clearly represents the best value.  It's expected to contribute almost 7% to S&P 500 earnings in Q2 (with the largest upward revision), but makes up just 3.5% of the index by market cap (as you can see in the graphic below).  And that market cap representation within the index is near historic low levels. 





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June 20, 2024

In my last note we talked about the valuation on Nvidia. 
From the "Nvidia moment" in May of last year, the stock was up 3.6-fold at today's high. 
That said, as we've discussed, along the way the share price had actually gotten cheaper relative to its earnings power (i.e. the earnings growth has outpaced the even torrid share price growth).
But as we've also discussed, that dynamic has recently changed. 
Nvidia is no longer getting cheaper.  The quarterly earnings growth is slowing, while the share price growth has accelerated (amplified by the anticipation of and realization of the stock split).
And today we get what looks like the crescendo (for the moment). The stock put in a technical reversal signal (an outside day).  And unsurprisingly, with its disproportionate weighting in the major indices, the reversal in Nvidia contributed to similar signals in the S&P 500 and Nasdaq futures.  
Here's a look at the Nvidia chart … 
For market technicians, this is a perfect “outside day” reversal signal. This is when a new high is set in an uptrend, a buying climax, and the buying exhausts and weak speculative longs are quickly shaken out of positions forcing prices to lower lows than the prior day (closing near the lows).  A wide range (check) and significant volume (check) increase the likelihood that a trend reversal is underway. 
So, is this a negative signal for the broad market? 
Or does this signal a rotation, and broadening of market performance?
It looks like the latter. 
As you can see in this chart above, we've had divergence between the performance of the S&P (led by the big AI tech) and the Dow since mid-May.  Same is said for the S&P and Rusell 2000.
That divergence narrowed today.  
For some perspective on the significance of Nvidia's stock performance over the past year, and the "Nvidia moment," I want to copy in my note from May 25, 2023.  This is the day after Nvidia's game-changing Q1 earnings report last year. 
May 25, 2023


Nvidia neared the $1 trillion market cap level today.  


As I said yesterday, the Q1 earnings report, the incredible growth guidance for the rest of the year, and the discussion on customer demand for "re-tooling" for the generative AI transformation was a big wake-up call. 


Maybe the most important thing said yesterday:  The founder and CEO of Nvidia, the leading provider of technology that powers AI, said "when the ChatGPT moment came (the November 30, 2022 launch) … it helped everybody crystallize how to transition from the technology of large language models to a product and service…"  


That (ChatGPT) was the defining "moment" for the industry. 


We're just six months in. 


Just as the world is pondering recession, if not depression (and deflationary bust), this earnings call (the Nvidia moment) might be the defining moment for the rest of us — the moment that resets the perspective on the next decade, perhaps a boom period


The interest rate markets seem to be reorienting toward this.  The 10-year yield has risen from 3.27% to 3.60% in just two weeks. 


Of course, the narrative surrounding that has been "debt default."  But at the peak of the debt default frenzy, gold was on record highs.  It's now 6% lower, and falling.  The dollar is rising.  The Nasdaq just made another new high for the year.  


And the interest rate market has swung, over the course of one month, from pricing in an absolute certainty of rate cuts by year end, to about a coin flips chance – and, moreover, now pricing in the chance of another rate hike








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June 18, 2024

A little more than twelve months ago, Nvidia shocked the world in its Q1 2023 earnings report.  Jensen Huang revealed an explosion in demand for Nvidia’s AI chips, explosive revenue and operating income growth, and eyepopping guidance for the quarters to come.

Moreover, he declared that a new technology revolution was underway.

It was the “Nvidia moment.”  And in my note that day, I said “Nvidia may be challenging Microsoft and Apple as the biggest company in the world very soon (joining the multi-trillion dollar market cap club).”

Indeed, today Nvidia surpassed both Microsoft and Apple as the largest company in the world by market cap ($3.3 trillion).

Has it gone too far, too fast?

Remember, we looked at this chart heading into Nvidia’s earnings last month.


The chart shows the trajectory of Nvidia’s valuation taking end of reporting quarter share price and dividing it by four times the end of reporting quarter EPS (i.e. annualized quarterly EPS).

So, we went into Nvidia earnings last month with the stock near another record high, having more than tripled since the “Nvidia moment,” but also having gotten cheaper along the way (as you can see in the chart above).

How did it get cheaper?  Not only did revenues quadruple over five quarters, but the profitability of each dollar of revenue doubled over the same period. And net income margins doubled over five quarters.

So, the stock got cheaper over the past year because earnings growth was outpacing growth in the share price.

Fast forward to today, and the stock has gone up another 42% from the levels just prior to last month’s earnings report.

Let’s take a look at what this sharp rise (primarily driven by the stock split) has done to valuation.

As we’ve discussed, quarterly revenue growth in Nvidia has been hot, but it has been declining, from 88%, to 34%, to 22%, to 18% in the most recent quarter.

The guidance for next quarter is for a much more modest 7% quarterly revenue growth.

Let’s assume they beat guidance and do the average quarterly revenue growth of the past two quarters (which would be 20% growth).

Here’s what the valuation picture looks like.



It’s no longer getting cheaper.  And if the quarterly revenue growth rate fades (which would translate into a fading EPS growth rate), the stock starts getting very expensive, despite its very important role in the new technology revolution.







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June 17, 2024

The theme from the Fed’s policy meeting last Wednesday was that inflation is “still too high.”

That said, while the Fed was in session, determining that theme, inflation data was released that was “better” than “almost anybody expected.”  Those were the words of the Fed Chair himself.

If history is our guide, given that the data may have swayed some of the decision making in that meeting, with more time to digest it, it’s reasonable to expect that the Fed would line up some members to get in front of cameras and walk back on some of the hawkish tone delivered by the Fed last week.

Indeed, we’ve heard from a few already.  But surprisingly, they have held the line.

That rate outlook is leading to growing divergence between the performance of cash-rich, big-tech oligopoly stocks … and the rest (as you can see below).


In fact, at the worst levels this morning, the small-cap index (Russell 2000) was underperforming the S&P at the extremes of the past year.

Let’s talk about the G7 meeting that took place in Italy late last week.

The communique mentioned China 29 times.

That tops last year, where they mentioned China 20 times, which was the most since 2014.

And last year was the first time since 2019 (in the depth of the Trump trade war), that the G7 leaders said they would work toward “diversifying” supply chains, to reduce reliance on China. They addressed Taiwan, human rights, China’s ability to influence Russia, and the importance of “playing by international rules.”

China’s state-controlled media called last year’s G7 meeting, an “anti-China workshop.”

This time, within the 29 mentions, G7 leaders were more forceful and critical of China than they were in 2023.

China’s Foreign Ministry called the statements an attempt to “vilify and attack China.”

Keep in mind, the Trump administration called China “enemy number one.”

Their multi-decade economic warfare against the United States (and the West) has since expanded into hybrid warfare (economic, psychological, information, political, cyber).   Yet the Biden administration has called China, all along, just a “strategic competitor.”

Finally, just in the past year, the administration and its allies are acting as if they are tough on China, one might say provocatively so.