According to the Rob Copeland of the Wall Street Journal today, top hedge fund managers are beating the S&P by a huge margin this year.

The article notes that three billionaire hedge fund managers, David Tepper, Larry Robbins and John Paulson, are all up 10% or more after fees in 2015. That compares to a 3% return for the S&P 500.
Of that trio, Paulson is up an eye popping 19% year-to-date. That’s more than six times the return of the S&P 500. He’s done it by betting correctly on stocks like Time Warner Cable and Salix Pharmaceuticals, both of which were acquired for large premiums.

At we have been piggybacking the highest conviction stocks, ETFs and options of the world’s best billionaire hedge fund managers since 2012, and we’ve witnessed first-hand, the power of following the best ideas of the world’s greatest billionaire investors. Earlier this year, we followed Perceptive Advisors, a multi-billion dollar biotech specialist hedge fund, into Sarepta Therapeutics (SRPT). That stock is up 155% since early February.

Given the value of following the biggest and best, and given the hot hand that billionaires Tepper, Robbins and Paulson have had this year, let’s take a look at their most recent stocks picks:

1) Billionaire Larry Robbins of Glenview Capital has made huge returns on healthcare stocks this year, including a $200 million gain in one day when Humana announced that it was exploring a possible sale, and subsequently exploded higher in value. Robbins has two new healthcare picks, both of which he has said could double, Abbvie (ABBV) and Brookdale Senior Living (BKD).

2) Billionaire John Paulson, an M&A specialist with an incredible track record of buying stocks right before they get acquired, has initiated a new stake in AIG (AIG). He also recently added to his position in T-Mobile (TMUS), a stock that has constantly been rumored as a takeover target.

3) Billionaire David Tepper who recently made a bold bet on the broad stock market, buying a billion dollar worth of call options on the Nasdaq 100 (QQQ) and the S&P 500 (SPY), has added two new notable stocks to his portfolio recently, Micron Technology (MU) and Jet Blue Airways (JBLU).

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