July 19, 5:00 pm EST

Yesterday CNBC hosted their Delivering Alpha conference. This conference is primarily an opportunity for investors to hear views and ideas from some of Wall Street’s best.

However, the bigger picture geopolitical environment is far more important for the market at the moment, than what a big hedge fund manager thinks about valuation (for example).

On that note, there were some interesting takeaways from yesterday’s event. As we discussed yesterday, we heard from Larry Kudlow, the White House Chief Economic Advisor. And we also heard from Steve Bannon, the former White House Chief Strategist.

Bannon has been given plenty of unappealing labels by the media in recent years, but his perspective on the White House game plan and how it’s executing is invaluable. I think everyone would agree that the communication on the economy and foreign policy could be handled better by the White House.

And Bannon articulates the issues in the Trump plan, maybe better than anyone. It’s an interview everyone should watch (here’s a link).

As we’ve discussed here in my Pro Perspectives piece since I started writing this nearly three years ago, the trade war is nothing new. And it’s all about China. As Bannon said, China has been waging an economic and cyber war with the U.S. for the better part of the past 25 years. Now they’ve run into a wrecking ball in Trump: someone with the leverage and the credibility to act on threats to end the gutting of global economies (including the U.S. and other major developed market economies). Bannonsays we’re in the early stages of a “reorientation of the supply-chain around freedom loving countries.”

As we’ve discussed, the best reflection of China’s strategic response to Trump’s pressure is their currency. What are they doing with it? They continue to walk it lower every day. This is a signal that they have no options–playing by the rules and getting slower economic growth isn’t an option for the ruling regime in China. They can only fight back by offsetting tariffs with a weaker currency. And that may ultimately lead to blocking China trade completely.

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