Pro Perspectives 1/23/25





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January 23, 2025

Five years ago, Trump delivered a speech at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos (here), where he reported on his "Great American Comeback" that was delivering "an economic boom, the likes of which the world has never seen before."
He encouraged the corporate and government leaders in the room to "reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse" … and follow the American model as an example of "a working system of free enterprise that will produce the most benefits for the most people in the 21st century and beyond."
This was clearly a rejection of the multi-trillion dollar globally coordinated climate agenda that was cultivated out of the World Economic Forum. 
Thus, solving the Trump problem became priority, above all else. 
It dominated the Davos meetings back in 2020.  They didn’t hide it.  It was all about Trump (anti-Trump).  Not the global economy. Not even climate change.  
Today, Trump improbably returned to the World Economic Forum (virtually), to detail the damage done from the globally coordinated climate agenda, and declare the beginning of "the Golden Age of America" and a "revolution of common sense."
He detailed his plan (already well in motion) to rapidly execute the America first agenda. 
This time, the tone in Davos was said to be one of optimism! 
Perhaps the "populist" political shakeup is just getting started, globally. 
Or, it's fair to say that the financial rewards for global corporate leaders (and government leaders) from the prospects of a complete overhaul/transformation of global energy was an enticing carrot, over the past decade, to recruit support for the global climate agenda.
But now, just considering financial motivations only, the Trump agenda is offering the potential for global stability in a time of chaos, and a focus on aggressively facilitating the AI-driven technology revolution, which could result in a doubling of global energy demand (which will require all sources of energy, including renewables).
The financial opportunity is as big, if not bigger.    
Not too surprisingly, the bankers, investors and techies in the (WEF) room are suddenly receptive to Trump 2.0.
For my Billionaire's Portfolio members, please keep an eye out for a note from me tomorrow.  We will be making a new addition to the portfolio.  If you're not a member, you can join us here