The Secret Conspiracy Behind Gold’s Massive Selloff


Folks the joke on Wall Street and at all the hedge fund trading desks is YOU!

Listen, as I have told you before, I don’t throw darts or guess to invest.  I only bet on sure things.

I do this through my elite information network of contacts at some of the world’s top billionaire hedge funds. I listen when these guys talk because they move the market and they know who is selling and buying in bulk.

Well, there has been a huge mystery seller in Gold that no-one outside of the hedge fund world knows about, and this entity is the reason that gold has plummeted and will continue to plummet. Your stock broker or mutual fund manager doesn’t know this, or they don’t want to tell you, because they want to get your commissions and fees. But the real deal is that global central banks around the world are the real secret seller of gold.  Central banks around the world who have accumulated gold in droves during the past 10 years are now dumping gold like crazy.

Why?  Central bankers know the real money right now is in US Stocks.  Stocks are where these central bankers are parking their money, not only do stocks have the potential to return 20% a year but many of these US stocks pay a juicy dividend of 3% to 4% much higher than US treasuries. So if your a central banker and would you want to earn something on your cash (which they all do), then you buy stocks with dividends. Remember gold has no dividend, never has never will. You get nothing for holding gold!

Think about it this way, many of the best brand name stocks with AA credit ratings have yields higher than US treasuries and they offer the potential for capital appreciation as well. What does Gold offer?  Nothing.  No dividend.  Gold does not have earnings.  No cash flow.  Gold is just a fear trade.

So while you are sitting there holding your gold or GLD etf, wondering why you are losing money, I am telling you why, right here! Central banks around the world are pressing the sell button on gold every chance they get. This is why my partner and I have told you gold is going to $800, and also why you should  sell all of your gold and put it into stocks.

Oh and by the way, in my top performing premium stock picking service The Billionaires Portfolio, I am recommending to my clients today one of the most lucrative and hottest option plays of the year.

Please do not miss this. If you subscribe to The Billionaires Portfolio not only will you get my premium stock service which is up more than 20% in less than 9 months, with 3 stocks that have 100% or more in gains, but you will also get my newest option play,  which I think has the potential to make 600% to 800% in just a couple of months turning a $400 investment into $3000.

Also on March 7th I told all the readers on my blog to buy Eagle Bulk Shipping (EGLE) as a leveraged play on the shipping sector. Well, since then, Eagle Bulk is up 150% in less than 3 months time.  And yesterday alone it went up almost 60%. That’s how good I am.

So if you want to make to 800% in options or you want stocks that double in two or three months then sign up here at

Will Meade

Billionaires Portfolio