I just made you over 560%!!!!! on Sprint ($S) Deep in the Money Call Options in less than a month!!!


Here is my post, where I told you the secrets of how traders at hedge fund make billions of dollars using a secret trading strategy called the stock replacement strategy. This secret stock replacement strategy uses deep in the money options to replace buying the stock. I told you that this strategy will make you buckets of money and it did.

Here is my post https://www.billionairesportfolio.com/how-to-make-a-100-in-a-month-trading-deep-in-the-money-call-options-sprint-s/

on this blog where I told you to buy Sprint May Call Options, that were deep in the money, and that you should buy the Sprint ($S) May $6 call options for  just$.20 cents, because these options were trading almmost flat with Sprint Stock, meaning the option and the stock move almost one for one with each other.

So i wake up this morning and on the front cover of every newspaper and financial website is the news that Dish Network offers to acquire Sprint for a huge premium, Sprint is currently trading at $7.24 and the May Call Options I told you to buy  are now trading at $1.33, up an incredible 560% from where I told you to buy them in my previous blog post.

Folks I told you to buy these Sprint May Call Options at $.20 cents, less than a month later these same sprint options  are now up more than 560% to a $1.33 are you kidding me!!!. That means even if you only purchased 10 calls for just $200, you would now have over $1300 dollars in your bank account, that means I made you a $1100 off  an initial investment of $200.

Even better some people wrote me that they had purchased 50 Sprint May call options for a $1000 and now they have over $65oo in their bank account. Enough to take their family  on a fantastic summer trip to Europe, to NYC or the Hamptons. Why because I made them over $5500 in profits in less than a month.

And how did I know to buy Sprint May Call Options, first like I always told you I use my contacts and on Wall Street and at Hedge Funds to monitor what Billionaire Hedge Funds and Investors are buying, (thats why its called the Billionaires Portfolio) and they were buying tons of Sprint Stock, and secondly and just as important I have stressed the importance of great chart patterns and Sprint had just broken out of a long sideways consolidation pattern called a upside rectangle chart pattern, which 99% of the time predicts a big movement in the stock… why?

Because when a stock consolidates for months volatilty drops and the options get cheaper,, aka. sprint which had deep in the money call options for just .$20 cents, and volatility always reverts to the mean, meaning I knew that since volatility had been so low in Sprint, volatility had to go up.. and it did big time, with Sprint being acquired by Dish Networks today for a huge premium.

Folks its a simple formula, you use my secret stock options replacement strategy, you find great chart patterns and you find out what the Billionaire Investors and Hedge Funds are buying and then you become a millionaire…

p.s. thank you for all your emails, I have recieved 100’s and 100s and I really appreciate it keep them coming at wmeade@purealpharesearch.com and I promise I will try and answer every one it will just take me some time. Also I would love to hear from you if you made money buying the Sprint May Call Options that I  told you about on this blog last month at wmeade@purealpharesearch.com


Will Meade

Editor of the Billioniares Portfolio

