Bill Ackman Just Told You the Secret to Making Money in Stocks


Bill Ackman, in his most recent quarterly letter to his investors, just divulged a secret we have been telling our subscribers for almost three years now: If you want to get rich, piggybacking the trades of the world’s best billionaire investors and hedge funds could help you attain this goal.

Ackman stated the following in his most recent quarterly letter to his investors: “In 26 out of 30 of our activist commitments, the day-after price was still a bargain versus the ultimate price achieved from our involvement with the company.”

This means if you bought every stock Bill Ackman bought the day after it was announced, you would have made money on 26 out of 30 stocks (87%). More important, you would have made 21 times your money. That turns $100,000 into $2.1 million, or $50,000 into more than $1 million.

Will Meade
President of The Billionaires Portfolio
