The Average Stock this Hedge Fund Owns has Returned 115% and They Just Purchased 8% of This Stock


There is an emerging small cap activist hedge fund that has been shooting the lights out. Their average return on a stock where they have won a board seat is 115%, let me repeat that every time this fund has invested in a stock and won a board seat the stock returned an average of 115%.

Even better the fund just won a board seat on a small cap technology stock that sells for less than $5. Furthermore this hedge fund owns more than 8% of this company and has been adding to its position as well.

So based on past history this stock should go up at least 115% or more.

Moreover the stock is so undervalued that it sold for $65 in 2008, more than a 1200% return from its current share price.

To find out the stock, the hedge fund and its performance data all you have to do is go The Billionaires Portfolio and sign up today.

Will Meade
President of The Billionaires Portfolio

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