The Greatest Investor You Have Never Heard Of


His fund has generated a 58% annualized return over the past five years.

And he did it during one of the worst stock market crashes in history. In 2008 when the S&P 500 lost 37%, his fund lost only 9%. When the stock market rebounded in 2009, his fund returned 264.38% versus a 26.46% return in the S&P 500. He beat the S&P 500 by more than 10 times. That year, he had 2 stocks that went up more than 1,000%.

To put a 58% annualized return in perspective, no other fund in the world has a better 5-year track record. This means over the past 5 years not one single mutual fund (over 18,000 funds) or a single equity hedge fund (over 4000 funds) has better performance.

Even though he is the best fund manager fund on the planet (literally he has the number one fund in the world), he has completely shunned publicity and has kept his assets base very small around $40 million. This guy is a purist stock picker. All he cares about is his performance not about selling his fund.

He went to Johns Hopkins University — my alma mater. And you might be surprised to learn, he has no formal training in investments. He worked in the medical research field his whole life but according to his colleagues his real passion was always investing. He started his fund in his early 40’s.

So how did he do it? How does he do it? He has a rather simple stock picking formula. He rarely buys more than 10 to 20 stocks in a year. His formula is so rigorous and selective that very few stocks meet his requirements. But he has more 100%+ winners than any fund manager I have ever seen.

As someone who has spent more than 15 years analyzing the world’s greatest hedge fund managers and billionaire investors, I have never seen a fund manager that has these stock picking abilities.

Because this fund manager is so reclusive and his fund is so small, information is hard to find on him. I spent over 100 hours analyzing and pulling up every document I could find on his fund, and researching and documenting every stock pick he has ever made. For my Billionaire’s Portfolio service, this is a new manager I’ve added as a candidate to our stable of the world’s best investors that we follow — even though he doesn’t fit my typical mold of the ultra-rich activist. He has a record of picking stocks that produce multiples on his investment, and that’s precisely what we look for in our portfolio.

Will Meade
President of The Billionaires Portfolio
Providing Sophisticated Hedge Fund Strategies and Analysis For The Everyday Investor